Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the Tyumenskii akkumulyatorny'i zavod factory.

Export of Products

Export of Tyumenskii akkumulyatorny'i zavod products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All Tyumenskii akkumulyatorny'i zavod products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Tyumenskii akkumulyatorny'i zavod: automotive batteries, batteries for motor vehicles, traction batteries, diesel batteries, batteries for heavy tracked vehicles, stationary batteries, batteries for passenger cars with liquid and gel electrolyte, batteries for uninterruptible power supplies, separators, electrolyte, expanders, flux, lead and lead alloys, lead sheet, lead meerkat
  • Car batteries Tyumenskii akkumulyatorny'i zavod
    Car batteries
  • Battery for motor vehicles Tyumenskii akkumulyatorny'i zavod
    Battery for motor vehicles
    6MTC, 3MT, 3MTC, etc.
  • Industrial batteries Tyumenskii akkumulyatorny'i zavod
    Industrial batteries
    traction, diesel, etc.
  • Own-made products Tyumenskii akkumulyatorny'i zavod
    Own-made products
    AGM separator, electrolyte, etc.
  • Lead products Tyumenskii akkumulyatorny'i zavod
    Lead products
    lead, lead meerkat, etc.


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